
I haven’t been using whey protein isolate lately because I’ve cut out most dairy from my diet, however I did give Vega all-in-one nutritional shake a try and although it was tricky to use at first, this shake recipe is a staple in my daily meal plan. Give it a try!

I really liked how this is truly an all-in-one plant based protein source containing vitamins, minerals, greens (another way to include vegetable in your diet!), fiber, antioxidants and omega’s and free of dairy and gluten. When I first gave it a try I found it slightly pasty… But I found a solution through this shake recipe that can be used a pre or post workout meal. I would most definitely buy it again!


-1 cup packed fresh organic spinach

-1 carrot and chopped (peeled)

-1/2 cup of water

-1 tbsp flax, Udo’s oil, bee pollen or another healthy fat

-3/4 cup frozen blueberries

-1/3-1/2 a frozen banana (peeled)

-1/2 scoop or 18 grams of Vega nutritional shake powder-any flavor (I use half a scoop because it is expensive for the amount that you get and it last twice as long with the same nutritional benefits)


Blend until creamy and enjoy!

Stay healthy,

Proteen Queen