Tip: How to Clean Your Yoga Mat

Ever wonder how to clean your yoga mat? I’ve got the solution for you! If your looking for a clean and “brand-new” looking yoga mat, simply throw it in the washing machine on a no-spin cycle. Hang to dry and voilà! Stay Active, Proteen...

Whole Grain Pizza Crust Recipe

I like to make almost everything homemade, and pizza is one of them, so here is my favorite pizza crust recipe made with 100% whole grain oats! Ingredients: -2 1/2 cups of oat flour -1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil -1 tbsp of unpasteurized honey -1 cup of warm water...

Toxins in Cosmetics

After reading Jessica Alba’s The Honest Life, I newly discovered the dangers and harmful effects of many toxic ingredients that I had previously been using on my skin! It was definitely an AHA! moment, I realized that after all all these years that I have been...

Mmm…Muffin Recipe

These fantastic muffins are filled with so many delicious and nutritious ingredients! Too many to even give them a name! Although, I guess if this recipe had a name it would be Banana-Blueberry-Strawberry-Apple-Coconut- Pineapple-Walnut-Oatmeal Muffins! Wow, what a...

Breakfast Cereal Recipe: Toasted Oats

My favorite breakfast cereal that I eat almost every morning! My Dad’s recipe of  Toasted Oats can be enjoyed with whatever fruit you like best. My personal favorite is banana, especially with unsweetened vanilla almond milk! For extra fiber in the morning, you...